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Caucasian shepherd DOGE - CS DOGE

is a new project that promise NFT Marketplace and wallet, team is working almost more then an year to deliver very promising new NFT marketplace, wallet, dApps and more


Read More below how team describe the project

Our goal:

As Blockchain technology grows and adaption is still on horizon, it became necessary to have reliable, usable tools, and a marketplace that utilizes the NFT metaVerse. That alone, will make it easy for holders to manage their tokens and digital assets efficiently.

When looking at so many scam tokens and promising projects that never get developed, it becomes clear that someone has to take a responsibility and get it right. We could list CS DOGE on exchange; however, we decided to first prove to ourselves that we can deliver real products.

Then, we will continue our research and development to what will make our community and many crypto lovers happy. Our goal is not only proving token price growth, but to deliver real products that many teams are not able to implement. We solve many issues and problems that make many digital asset holders unhappy. We do not promise. We deliver

CS DOGE - Caucasian shepherd DOGE meme token is not like other tokens that offer just buying, holding, or making passive income. The project is unique and the goal is to use CS DOGE Tokens worldwide, in real time every day. Bridgeto any Solidity programmed EVM blockchains, NFT Marketplace mint, purchase and sale NFTs (non-fungible tokens) art, music, videos and any digital assets.You can View owned NFTs on your NFT Wallet. Selling or transferring is easier than ever at CS DOGE NFT Marketplace.

This project offers a wide range dApp and tools, it is Hyper-deflationary, auto and manual burning near to 99% of total value of Tokens.Owning, holding NFT, token staking, and locking increases token value in short and long periods of time. Play decentralized Games from CS DOGE Game Studio. RWP – (Reward while playing) a decentralized game. Rewarded GAME Token will be swappable only to CS DOGE token, through CS DOGE dApp family.

NEST is a main competitor of Link Chain - NEST is a blockchain-based probability virtual machine (PVM) system with web3 applications of DeFi, GameFi, NFT built on it. Swap, hedge, earn and even game with the NEST network to gain excess returns.


Read More below how team describe the project

NEST Probability Virtual Machine (PVM) is a virtual machine-like structure based on the basic function library. Developers can develop various exciting applications based on the function library, similar to Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) programming.

NEST inherited the genes of Ethereum. The essence of EVM is that each program is a combination of some basic codes, which can be called as long as a certain gas fee is paid.

The income of each product on the PVM can be regarded as a linear combination of some basic income functions, and this income can be obtained as long as a certain cost (that is, the discounted value of this income) is paid. The underlying logic of PVM is the same as that of EVM, which means that all EVM development can be implemented on PVM.

Evmos is a Cosmos-based chain with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) support. Because of this architecture, tokens and assets in the network may come from different independent sources.


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The denomination used for staking, governance and gas consumption on the EVM is the EVMOS. The EVMOS provides the utility of: securing the Proof-of-Stake chain, token used for governance proposals, distribution of fees to validator and users, and as a mean of gas for running smart contracts on the EVM.

Evmos uses Atto (opens new window)EVMOS as the base denomination to maintain parity with Ethereum.

1 evmos = 1018 aevmos

This matches Ethereum denomination of:

1 ETH = 1018 wei

Evmos is compatible with ERC20 tokens and other non-fungible token standards (EIP721, EIP1155) that are natively supported by the EVM.

Juno - Interoperable Smart Contract Network.


Read More below how team describe the project

Juno is a global, open source, permission-less network for decentralized interoperable applications.

Anyone can create & use inter-chain applications on Juno.

The ecosystem is pioneering CosmWasm development and adoption, allowing developers to deploy secure & robust inter-chain smart contracts in Rust. The Juno proof of stake blockchain is built using the Cosmos SDK and reaches network agreement via Tendermint Consensus.

The network is governed by delegators, who vote in changes via on-chain governance.

All network processes are fueled by $JUNO the native asset of the network. Juno had its decentralized network launch on the 1st of October 2021. CosmWasm Smart Contracts went live on December 15th 2021.


Build a new kind of world finance with DAO and Defi


Read More below how team describe the project

Build a new kind of world finance with DAO and Defi:

ENRICHDAO presents "ENRICH" TOKEN - Decentralized deflationary token build for people. Grow financial freedom with ENRICH Token.

The anti inflation solution for Decentralized finance token build for people. Token price that always grow

Total amount of ENRICH token 10,000,000 on MATIC / POLYGON CHAIN. 9,000,000 tokes will be burned in stage one.

We solve many issues and problems that make many digital asset holders unhappy. We do not promise. We deliver

2% of ENRICH Token will be burned on every Transaction, Team will hold no tokens, 1% transaction fee will go to Developers and marketing, 2% tokens will be distributed to each token holder on every Transaction

No need to know how to stake, automated staking will make you reach

liquidity will be locked and will be applied to Second stge DAO contract

Team will be 100% transparent. For that reason Contract owner is denounced to 0x000 wallet. Contract will be never changed till second stage of DAO integration

Second stage contract release: When total of 9,000,000 tokes will be burned based on Comunity Voting

Total Amount of second stage tokens will not exceed original 10,000,000 ENRICH and will depend on Community voting. Team is not palming Minting new tokens without the voting process.

DAO implementation and Contract update, Most ENRICH hollers will get most voice and rewards over time

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